
Slush 2024 in Helsinki, Finland

Slush 2024 in Helsinki, Finland

Finlande En cours


Association professionnelle, Parcourir ses opportunités similaires


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Held during the darkest time of the year in Helsinki, Finland, Slush has always been characterized by a unique energy and enthusiasm. The very core of the event is to facilitate founder and investor meetings and to build a worldwide startup community.

Slush is a student-driven, a non-profit movement originally founded to change attitudes toward entrepreneurship. In 2018, Slush will be organized in Tokyo, Shanghai, Singapore and Helsinki.

In 2017, over 2,600 startups, 1,600 investors, and 600 journalists from over 130 countries gathered to Slush to kick it with like-minded tech-heads while experiencing the phenomenal atmosphere.


Provider: SLUSH

Related keywords : competitions and awards, finland, international conference, opportunities, opportunities for entrepreneurs, opportunities for youths, opportunity for students, slush 2018 in helkinsi,

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