
Global Entrepreneurship Congress in Istanbul

Global Entrepreneurship Congress in Istanbul



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Global Entrepreneurship Congress in Istanbul

The Global Entrepreneurship Congress (GEC) is a gathering of startup champions from around the world—where entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, policymakers and other thought leaders work together to help bring ideas to life, drive economic growth and expand human welfare.

The GEC brings together tho,usands of delegates from 170 countries to discuss economic and policy challenges around growing entrepreneurial ecosystems. With live events featuring the latest, best-in-class programming and research, GEC is a unique opportunity to meet fellow practitioners and stay apprised of new ideas, insights and developments. This annual event – hosted by a new entrepreneurial city each spring – is designed so that delegates return home with fresh ideas, tools and connections to leverage in their pursuit of forward-leaning entrepreneurship support efforts.

Celebrating its 10th anniversary, the next GEC will be host in Istanbul on April 16-19, 2018. Previous GEC city hosts have included: Kansas City (2009), Dubai (2010), Shanghai (2011), Liverpool (2012), Rio de Janeiro (2013), Moscow (2014), Milan (2015), Medellin (2016) and Johannesburg (2017).

This milestone event aims to raise the bar of the congress to position it as the “Davos of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Builders” for the next decade. The congress will feature numerous parallel tracks and networking platforms for sharing and inspiration, learning and exploration and aligning and reflection. Throughout the program, GEC 2018 will focus on three main themes, including:

Who should attend

The Global Entrepreneurship Congress is open to all members of entrepreneurship ecosystems from everywhere in the world. It is a global sharing, learning and networking vehicle for entrepreneurs, investors, policymakers, researchers, corporate executives, entrepreneurship support organizations and other thought leaders who have an interest in building stronger local ecosystems and expanding their global reach.


Related keywords : fully funded international conference 2018, global entrepreneurship congress, opportunities for students, opportunities for youth,

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