
International Youth Leadership Conference in Prague, Czech Republic

International Youth Leadership Conference in Prague, Czech Republic



Association professionnelle, Parcourir ses opportunités similaires


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Association professionnelle
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International Youth Leadership Conference in Prague, Czech Republic

Our week-long youth forum on world politics, international relations and justice will give you an opportunity to test your leadership skills, debate current issues, deliver speeches, draft resolutions, make executive decisions, and realize through experience the complexities of international relations. The main objective of the International Youth Leadership Conference is to facilitate an exchange of ideas across an ethnically diverse and socially responsible group of young international leaders. Their interaction provokes communication and dialogue that, throughout the week, provides an unparalleled learning experience and cross-cultural adventure.


The IYLC will select Conference participants in a manner that ensures relative uniformity of educational levels, while providing for a high level of geographic diversity. All nationalities are welcome to apply.

For the purposes of group cohesion, each applicant will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

Rounds of acceptances

The IYLC team processes applications on a weekly basis. Successful applicants will be notified on Mondays.

To secure your place at the Conference we need you to pay a non-refundable deposit of 200 USD. Once you are ready to make your final payment, the deposit will be deducted from your Conference Fee. Given the limited spaces available and the number of applications received this year, we can only guarantee your place on the conference upon receipt of your deposit.

Conference Fee: 1650 USD

Included in this price:

Please do not make any conference fee payments until you receive the official Acceptance Notification from us. It is strongly recommended, that all of the necessary visa and travel arrangement are made before the conference fee is paid. The conference is limited to 120 participants. The only way to guarantee your place is to pay. Please do not wait until the last minute to make arrangements for payment.

Official Link

Deadline: Ongoing

Related keywords : fully funded international conference 2018, international youth leadership conference, opportunities for students, opportunities for youths,

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