
UNDP Online Volunteering Programme | Workshop Support: Using Spatial Data in Kazakhstan

UNDP Online Volunteering Programme | Workshop Support: Using Spatial Data in Kazakhstan

Monde En cours


Association professionnelle, Parcourir ses opportunités similaires


Récompense totale
0 $
Association professionnelle
Pays hôte
Date limite
En cours
Niveau d'études
Type d'opportunité
Financement d'opportunité
Financement complet
Pays éligibles
Cette opportunité est destiné à tous les pays
Région éligible
Toutes les régions


  • Will help the volunteer to learn more about event management
  • It is an occasion to create a bridge between decision-makers and the science team to launch the project.
  • They will learn to ensure informal interpretation upon request, note-taking, and report back to the organizing team


  • The volunteer must be fluent in Russian and English.
  • Experience in translating document from/to English/Russian, and English/Russian interpretation is highly desirable.
  • The volunteer must be available on the dates mentioned.
  • He/she must be responsive via email and willing to work with a team of other UNVs.
  • Experience in event management and note taking is desirable.
  • Knowledge in spatial data and ecosystem services is an asset.
Eligible Regions: Open for all

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